Biographical entry: 'Atoomea, Arnon


Arnon 'Atoomea was first a student at the SSEM's Malu'u school, and in 1938 he began teaching at the mission's Onepusu school in western Malaita. During the war he administered Onepusu for a time, while the white missionaries were away. After the war he returned to his home village of Aniuke, near Malu'u, and in 1946, at age twenty-six, he became that area's Head Chief for the Maasina Rule (q.v.) movement. From 1947-1950 he was imprisoned for his role in the movement. In March 1964 'Atoomea was elected Vice-President of the SSEM Churches. (NS 31 Mar. 1964; David Akin, personal communication, 22 Sept. 2012)

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Published resources


  • British Solomon Islands Protectorate (ed.), British Solomon Islands Protectorate News Sheet (NS), 1955-1975. Details