Biographical entry: Saru, Anthony


Anthony Saru was born at Walade in South Malaita and was educated at St. Michaels' School at Maravovo and All Hallows' School at Pawa (q.v.) on Ugi. He left school in 1948 and went to Kwai in east Kwara'ae as a teacher, and remained there for many years. In 1969, he took a six-month course at the British Solomons Training College. In 1970 he was elected as South Malaita's member of the Governing Council. The Anthony Saru building at Point Cruz in Honiara is named after him. (NS 30 June 1970)

Published resources


  • British Solomon Islands Protectorate (ed.), British Solomon Islands Protectorate News Sheet (NS), 1955-1975. Details